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Lasagna planting Expat Mortgages and Flowerbulbs Amsterdam


Congratulations on the purchase of your home!

Congratulations on the purchase of your home! That’s worth a celebration. What is a better way than to do it with traditional flower bulbs from Flowerbulbs Amsterdam? With these bulbs, you will enjoy the colourful Dutch spring from the beginning of March. With beautiful crocuses, cheerful narcissus and festive tulips. Make your new house a home straight away! 

What’s in the package?

Sure you will like to equip your new house with some Dutch tradition as soon as possible. The flower bulbs in this box are the answer. In the box, you will find 3 types of bulbs. These are the Van Eijk tulip, the Tête-à-tête narcissus and the Flower Record crocus. Each variety has its own flowering time and is suitable for lasagne planting. You will enjoy a colorful garden or terrace at your new home from early until late spring. Once flower bulbs bloom, they only stay in bloom for a few weeks. Welcome to Holland! 

In the box:
Tulip Van Eijk
Narcissus Tête-à-tête
Crocus Flower Record

Flowering time:
Tulip Van Eijk: April – May
Narcissus Tête-à-tête: March – April
Crocus Flower Record: February – March

Side of the box:
Instructions lasagna planting


What is lasagna planting?

The term “lasagna planting” refers to a method of planting flower bulbs in layers, similar to stacking layers in a lasagna. The idea is to plant different types of bulbs with different blooming times at different depths, so they bloom one after the other.

In lasagna planting, you plant the bulbs in layers in a deep pot or in the ground. The largest and latest blooming bulbs are planted the deepest, above them are the medium-sized bulbs that bloom earlier, and on top are the smallest bulbs that bloom first. This creates a extended blooming period, as the flowers bloom successively, just like the layers in a lasagna.

When to plant the flower bulbs? 

Both the tulip, narcissus, and crocus bulbs in this pack bloom in spring. Where some flowers bloom as early as March, others prefer to wait until the end of April. This makes these bulbs suitable for lasagne planting. Plant the bulbs in this package from Expat Mortgages between September and the third week of January. Make sure they go into the ground before the first frost period! 

How should you plant flower bulbs for lasagne planting?

Lasagne planting is not only fun and easy to do, but also creates a long and colorful party in your new garden, patio or balcony. Below you will read exactly how to plant the bulbs in this pack in order of flowering in one pot. You can also check the side of the packaging in which the flower bulbs are packed.

Tip! You also received a nice flower pot with the package. All you need is potting soil. This can be bought in any supermarket or garden centre in the Netherlands. The pot has no drainage or hole in the bottom. Hydro grains are also highly recommended. This prevents the soil from remaining too wet from rainwater causing the bulbs to rot or go moldy. 

Planting guide

Step 1: provide the bottom of the enclosed flower pot with a layer of hydro pellets for drainage. Then fill the pot with about 5 centimeters of potting soil.
Step 2: place the flower bulbs that will bloom last on top. In this case, these are the Van Eijk tulips. The small point of the bulbs should be facing upwards.
Step 3: put another 5-centimeter layer of soil into the pot for the next layer. In the middle, plant the bulbs that are the 2nd to flower. These are the Tête-à-tête narcissus.
Step 4: make another layer of 5 cm of soil and plant the bulbs that flower first in this. These are the Flower Record crocuses. Cover with 5 cm of potting soil. 
Step 5: water the bulbs in the flower pot generously. Now make sure the pot with the flower bulbs stands in a cold place for 10 weeks without freezing. A sheltered spot is preferable. After this time, you can also put them in an open spot outside. Prefer to brighten up your new home indoors? Then put the flower pot in a cool place. This will prevent the bulbs from sprouting too quickly or at the same time.


How much water should you give the bulbs? 

Flower bulbs in pots need a little more water than when planted in the border or the garden. A good drainage with hydro grains at the bottom of the supplied flower pot is important. The soil in the pot should not dry out. Stick your finger into the soil to check this. If no potting soil sticks to it, they need water.

How to store the flower bulbs?

You have just bought a house and received this beautiful package of flower bulbs. Planting the bulbs immediately is best, but storing them is also possible. After all, as a new homeowner, you have a lot to deal with. Store the bulbs in this packet in a dry and dark place at a temperature of 17 to 20 ºC. The basement or garage of your new home might be a good place. Leave the bulbs in the box or wrap them in newspapers. Be sure to have the flower bulbs planted before the third week of January! 

What can Flowerbulbs Amsterdam do for you?

At Flowerbulbs Amsterdam, our passion is growing the finest flower bulbs and tubers. We’re proud of our beautiful, wide-ranging assortment, ensuring you always find the perfect blooms for your garden or home. Our team is dedicated to helping you enjoy nature’s beauty, right in your own space. Trust us to bring the best of blooming joy to your doorstep!

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