How much water should you give the dahlia?
Make sure the soil in which you plant the dahlia is well moist. Moist soil stimulates root growth. Some people choose to put the tuber with its butt in a bowl of water for a few hours, or overnight. This is okay, but if the soil is well moist, that will also suffice.
Your dahlia will not require that much water in the beginning. Still, keep an eye on it and water if you see that the soil is getting dry. Especially if it is on or near the stove, the soil can quickly become dry. Even if you don’t see growth yet, the roots like to be in moist soil. Not soaking wet, but just moist like you are used to with your other houseplants. As the dahlia grows, it will need more water. You will have to water more often. Especially in full bloom.
Important tips for your dahlia’s
Choosing the right spot
Find a spot that gets a lot of sunlight, at least 6 to 8 hours every day. This helps your flowers grow bright and healthy all season.
Trimming your dahlias
When your dahlias get about 30-40 cm tall, cut the top off the main stem. This helps the plant grow thicker and make more flowers.
After the season storing your dahlias
Cut off the leaves, gently pull out the tubers, and keep them in a cool, dry place. When it’s time, you can plant them again for more beautiful flowers next season.