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Dahlia tuber Expat Mortgages and Flowerbulbs Amsterdam


Congratulations on the purchase of your home!

That’s a good reason for a celebration. And what better way to do that than with a beautifully flowering dahlia from Flowerbulbs Amsterdam? The dahlia in this welcome gift will instantly make you feel at home in your new home.

What’s in the package?

Your new house needs to become a home. What better way to do that than with some colour and cheerfulness? In the welcome pack, you will find one dahlia tuber that you can put in the flower pot which is including in the package.

In the box:
Dahlia tuber Playa Blanca

Flowering time:
Juli – Oktober


How should you plant dahlia tuber the right way?

Can’t wait to plant your dahlia tuber? Below you will read exactly how to plant the tuber in this pack in order of flowering in one pot.

You received a nice flower pot with the package. All you need is potting soil. This can be bought in any supermarket or garden centre in the Netherlands. The pot has no drainage or hole in the bottom. Hydro grains are also highly recommended. This prevents the soil from remaining too wet from rainwater causing the bulb to rot or go moldy.

Planting guide

Step 1: fill the pot with hydro granules. These granules are specially designed to provide good drainage and support the plant.
Step 2: add a layer of potting soil over the hydro granules. This will be the base where you will plant the dahlia tuber.
Step 3: each dahlia tuber has a pointed end, which is the top. Make sure this pointed end faces upwards when you plant your dahlia tubers.
Step 4: continue filling the pot with more potting soil. Be careful not to cover the hole tuber, make sure the pointed end is exposed.
Step 5: after you’ve planted the dahlia tubers in the ground, cover them with soil and water them regularly. They love water but don’t like to be too wet.

How much water should you give the dahlia?

Make sure the soil in which you plant the dahlia is well moist. Moist soil stimulates root growth. Some people choose to put the tuber with its butt in a bowl of water for a few hours, or overnight. This is okay, but if the soil is well moist, that will also suffice.

Your dahlia will not require that much water in the beginning. Still, keep an eye on it and water if you see that the soil is getting dry. Especially if it is on or near the stove, the soil can quickly become dry. Even if you don’t see growth yet, the roots like to be in moist soil. Not soaking wet, but just moist like you are used to with your other houseplants. As the dahlia grows, it will need more water. You will have to water more often. Especially in full bloom.

Important tips for your dahlia’s

Choosing the right spot
Find a spot that gets a lot of sunlight, at least 6 to 8 hours every day. This helps your flowers grow bright and healthy all season.

Trimming your dahlias
When your dahlias get about 30-40 cm tall, cut the top off the main stem. This helps the plant grow thicker and make more flowers.

After the season storing your dahlias
Cut off the leaves, gently pull out the tubers, and keep them in a cool, dry place. When it’s time, you can plant them again for more beautiful flowers next season.


What can Flowerbulbs Amsterdam do for you?

At Flowerbulbs Amsterdam, our passion is growing the finest flower bulbs and tubers. We’re proud of our beautiful, wide-ranging assortment, ensuring you always find the perfect blooms for your garden or home. Our team is dedicated to helping you enjoy nature’s beauty, right in your own space. Trust us to bring the best of blooming joy to your doorstep!

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Something to celebrate?

Surprise with unique dahlias

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